Reimbursement Services.
Specializing in the need of small rural providers we fully understand the importance of proper filing of Medicare and Medicaid cost reports. With over 20 years experience we assist our clients with the preparation and review of the cost report process.
With a thorough understanding of the relationship and impact of the Medicare and Medicaid programs to the success or failure of a health care entity, we are here to provide assistance to your facility in planning, preparing and filing the required cost reports.

Critical Access Hospitals

PPS Hospitals

All Inclusive Services
At Reimbursement Solutions Group our cost report services are all inclusive in that the cost reporting engagement includes all of the following at no additional cost:
Medicare and Medicaid Cost Report Filing.
Cost to charge ratio analysis.
Medicare Bad Debt Reporting Reviews.
Charity Care Documentation Reviews.
Wage Index Reviews (PPS Hospitals).
Support for Cost Report Audits and Desk Reviews.
All of the above services are included as part of the cost report engagement with additional fee ever charged.
For PPS hospitals the significance of a cost report is different than for a critical access hospital and we understand those diferences we also understand the financial impact that a properly prepared cost report will have for our clients.
We are familiar with a variety of alternatives to be considered in meeting your facility needs to properly optimize reimbursement under the Medicare and Medicaid programs and we provide all of the related documentation required by Medicare Administrative Contractors (MAC) and State Medicaid Agencies.
For Critical Access hospitals the Medicare and Medicaid cost reports are at the center of a facility's survival.
In the preparation of the Medicare cost report we take an aproach that is more than a compiling entity, we look at all cost we review all allowable strategies and our goal is to prepare the cost report to the needs of our clients.
We are familiar with a variety of alternatives to be considered in meeting your facility needs to properly optimize reimbursement under the Medicare and Medicaid programs and we provide all of the related documentation required by Medicare Administrative Contractors (MAC) and State Medicaid Agencies.
In addition to providing services small rural hospitals we at RSG Have experience and knowledge to prepare reports for a wide array of providers including:
·Skilled Nursing Facilities · Home Health Agencies ·Freestanding RHC and FQHC
No matter what type of facility your organization operates we can assist in all cost reporting needs.