Govenmental Reporting Services
Below is a list of the most commons reports that need to be completed by healthcare providers on a yearly basis. Most of these reports have a significant impact on the financial success of hospitals and therefor the proper completion of these reports are vitally important. Our extensive experience in completing these reports is a valuable assets to meet our clients needs.
Annual Hospital Financial Survey
Financial surveys required by federal, state, and other regulatory agencies provide essential information to that relate to the healthcare industry. Facilities can incurr financial loses or fail to receive appropriate funding due to inaccurate completed surveys.
Reimbursement Solutions Group assists in completing, reviewing or providing consultation related to the proper completion of a wide variety of hospital surveys.
We assist our client in ensuring that all surveys are accurate, complete and timely filed.
Medicaid DSH Survey/DSH Audit documentation
The Federal Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) program, is of vilat importance to small rural hospitals and as such requires providers to be fully aware of all the elements of this program.
the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires each state to calculate a Hospital Specific DSH Limit amount for each eligible hospital in their state. The Federal Medicaid program defines the data elements used to calculate the DSH Limit and allows each state to gather the necessary information.
Most states use a Medicaid DSH Survey to allow providers to complete the required data elements. The DSH limit utilizes a number of cost report elements, but primarily requires a significant amount of patient service level detail to calculate cost and payments of individual services provided in each state fiscal year. Therefore, to correctly calculate your hospital's DSH limit that will be used to limit the amount of ultimate payments to each hospital, understanding the Federal and State requirements related to this program is a must.
Reimbursement Solutions Group has extensive experience in assisting our clients properly complete the DSH surveys with a goal of maximising the facility's DSH limit.
Change of Ownership/855 Reporting
A Change of Ownership ("CHOW") for health care facilities is a significant event that requires providers to report the changes to both federal and state agencies. Failure to properly report ownership changes to the apropriate agency could result in delays or loss of payments to the provider.
We at RSG provide our clients assistance in the proper completion of state and federal applications required by CMS as well as all pertinent licensing, certification and fiscal entities.
Hospital Authority Reports
A hospital authority is atype of local government authority which is defined as a separate entity created for a specific public purpose. Local governments create authorities as a means of providing a wide range of services to their citizens and have used them in increasing numbers to deliver services. The 1992 Census of Governments notes that authorities are by far the most rapidly growing type of government.
The US Census Bureau and many states require local government authorities to submit an annual report of revenues, expenditures, assets, and debts. This requirement is intended to provide useful comparative financial information to assist local taxpayers and policy-makers in better understanding and evaluating local government service delivery and operations.
Reimbursement Solutions Group provides consultation, reporting and application assistance related to the process of completing the required reports to meet the needs of the reporting entity.